What is the science of healing?

Your body is composed of energy-producing particles, each of which is in constant motion. So, like everything and everyone else in the universe, you are vibrating and creating energy.

Our vibrational frequency is different from the person next to us because the rate at which we vibrate at is based who we are, our thoughts, emotions, memories, and experiences.

That frequency is the signals that we broadcast or ‘put out there’ that determines our life and what we get in it.

But we only attract people, places and events into our life that are on the same wavelength, band or frequency.

Ever say, “why does this keep happening to me?”

In our wounded state (a lower frequency) we tend to keep attracting the same type of people and situations, just different versions of them.

You continue to attract your wounds, limitations, and traumas because they align with you.

Once the signal, or energetic predisposition, is healed, you will form new patterns and themes into your life.

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